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Conference Scholarships
Thanks to the kindness and generosity of our guest speakers and other contributors, the Young Eager Writers Association offers scholarships to young writers to attend our annual writing conference. Applicants awarded scholarships will each receive...
admission (1x) to the Young Eager Writers Conference
one piece of their work featured in The Young Eager Writers Journal
the opportunity to read one piece of work at the Book Store Social
The application process is easy! Send us a word document with...
your name
your school (if applicable)
a 500-word essay explaining why you wish to receive a scholarship and what you want to learn from the conference
A sample of your writing (1-2 pages)
Submit your application to
Available Scholarships
Young Authors Scholarship
The Young Eager Writers Association provides annual scholarships to published young authors. This year, we are awarding 2 young authors with free admission to YEWCon 2023.
Desirée Brown Scholarship
Desirée Brown, founder of Young Eager Writers, is offering a new scholarship to support liberal arts majors. Her scholarship will award 1 creative writing student with free admission to YEWCon 2023.