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Beta Reader Program
Young Eager Writers Beta Reader Pogram
There are no easy, safe ways to recruit beta readers, other than asking your mother to read your work. But let's face it, she'll always tell you it's amazing. That's why we developed this program. The Beta Reader Program, in association with The YEW Journal, provides feedback and resources to teen and young adult writers seeking to improve their work. We are passionate about strengthening your writing and encouraging your voice on the page. However, it's important to consider what best suits your writing style. Our journal editors understand that open communication is crucial to answering all the questions and concerns you have about your work. We are here to guide you, not take control. After you read over the guidelines, click the button below to send your work to our editors. We look forward to reading your work!
FOR FICTION & NONFICTION: Submit no more than 2,000 words.
FOR POETRY: Submit no more than 3 poems (up to 6 pages total).
FOR MANUSCRIPTS (any genre): Submit no more than 25 pages (up to 6,000 words).
For manuscripts containing more than 6,000 words, please contact us at to schedule a consultation with an editor
Q: Will my work be published with this program?
A: No. Your work will not be published or shared with anyone outside of our editing team. If you wish to submit your work to The YEW Journal, you must complete a separate submission process. Click HERE to do so.
Q: Can I submit work that has already been published or submitted elsewhere?
A: Yes and yes. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable since we will not be publicly sharing your work.
Q: When can I expect feedback?
A: For shorter works (under 8 pages), you can expect feedback within 30 days of submitting your work. For longer works (9-25 pages), you can expect feedback within 2 months of submitting.
To view all the guidelines and submit your work, click the appropriate button below.
For more information, contact us at​