Want to help us help young writers? YEW offers collaborative services to partners and individuals passionate about supporting youth writing communities.
Help us help YEW
Host a workshop
We wish to bring a wide array of talented, engaging guest speakers to our young audience. If you have a interesting topic, approach, or insight for our young writers, let us know!
Have an event or service our young writers should know about? Tell us more about it. We would love to include it in our next newsletter and on social media.
If you're looking for a guest speaker for your event or class, we'd love to host a presentation or workshop for you. Contact us to let us know more about what you need.
We believe reading strengthens writing. If your book appeals to teen and young adult readers, we'll share it! And if you're a young author, we'll promote you on our website!
Want to share helpful writing advice? Have a knowledgable perspective on the industry? Propose your blog topic to us. We would love to publish your opinion!